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PeakUp Information Technologies propose a value both in private and public cloud solutions within the scope of Microsoft cloud technologies. While providing end to end cloud based solutions from infrastructure to application is reflecting the consultancy side, PeakUp also organizing IT based technical trainings and role based IT recruitment processes for companies. PeakUp believes that creating innovative and sustainable way of thinking only possible with technology hence PeakUp is founded on the definitions “Society and Technology” which identically means “Mission and Vision”.

راجع المزيد من الحلول ذات المستوى العالمي، المخصصة لأعمالك

هل تريد أن تصبح شريكًا في Microsoft Power Apps؟

الشركاء المعتمدون هي جزء هام من الفريق! ابحث عن فرص عمل جديدة وأجرِ الاتصالات وشارك مواهب شركتك وخبراتها مع مستخدمي Microsoft Power Apps في جميع أنحاء العالم.