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Announcing the rich text editor (RTE) control

Headshot of article author Craig Maas

We’re pleased to announce the release of the rich text editor (RTE) control, which can be used for any multi-line or single-line text field across Dynamics 365:

This is the same control that’s being used for timeline rich text notes and Knowledge Management articles and will be integrated into additional out-of-box experiences in future releases!

The difference in the capabilities for each experience is enabled by extensible and extremely flexible configuration that can be customized for each use of the control.

This configurability is available to our makers to use to best suit their specific business scenarios, and provides support for:

      • inline images
      • full screen expander
      • html view
      • much, much more!

The following are examples of the RTE control with different configurations:

Example 1:  Provides you with rich text capability options.

Example 2: Allows you to set you a default font.

Example 3:  Allows you to add inline images that auto adjust. 

To try it out, simply edit the control for any text field, select the RTE control, and enjoy!

Your continued  feedback and helpful opinions are valuable, so keep talking!  Until next time, we’re listening!

Learn more about RTE and sample configurations.