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General Availability of Power BI reports as system dashboards in model-driven apps

Headshot of article author Mark Spilde

We are excited to announce the generally availability of Power BI dashboard in a model-driven app that was introduced in an early release as a preview feature.

What’s different than a standard  dashboard.
System and user dashboards in model driven apps support specific reporting features with predefined visualization and are more suited for transactional data that needs to be updated directly on the report, an action occurs on a record or fields are updated on a record in real time.

Power BI reports bring a host of visualization and data manipulation that we have all become accustomed to using with a Power BI report.  The ability to quickly build reports using the Power BI tools, publish those reports and extend them to model-driven apps makes it easy to provide your organization with data in one place, removing the need to go outside your model driven or Dynamics application.

Power BI embedding in Power Apps builds on existing capabilities giving users access to shared reports governed by you through standard Power Bi practices that include who you share the report with and licensing.    Users will need to use the relevant Power BI license and authorization to consume the content.

Power BI reports can be used with any report that you have created and can share with your organization.  This can include records in your model-driven or Dynamics app and reports with rich visualization to data that is not limited to just your application.  This gives your users access to your Power BI reports making it easier for you to share organizational data in an embedded Power BI report.

Power BI report in model driven app


Enable a Power BI report
Adding a Power BI report for makers and administrators is done by adding an existing report from through a solution dialog that allows referencing the workspace that the report or dashboard is uploaded to.  A new report can also be added by clicking “Create in Power BI desktop” which generates a connection to the current Dataverse environment.

ALM Support
Makers can manage ALM for multiple environments.  With Environment Variables you can set each environment to reference a different workspace.  This allows configuring each environment using the standard current and default values.



Learn more about creating and embedding Power BI reports.