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Headshot of article author Adrian Orth

We are excited to announce that we have added a new experience rolling out this week for selecting data sources in canvas apps and to allow using the Common Data Services views as a filter on entities.  Configuring a gallery or data table control is much easier with a prompt guiding the data source or connector to use. With this new experience is an improved data access to Common Data Service and will soon include all of the recent connection improvements.  To streamline use of Common Data Service, the data source selection includes a list of suggested entities.  The ability to use entity views as a filter allows more advanced queries to be used without delegation limits.

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Headshot of article author Anees Ansari

We had recently announced the public preview of our new view designer. Since then many of you have actively used it and given us great feedback to help make it even better. Today we are happy to announce that the new view designer is out of preview and available for general use. The latest update includes additional features, added based on your feedback, to help makers quickly and productively author views.

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Headshot of article author Charles Sterling

Welcome to another PowerApps community call. These calls we share the latest news about PowerApps, demonstrate tips and tools to help you build awesome PowerApps. You will meet the PowerApps product team and community experts to get your questions answered. In this month’s call we will discuss and demonstrate how to use Azure Blob Storage […]

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Headshot of article author Pat Dunn

We are very pleased to announce our latest standards whitepaper – PowerApps canvas app accessibility guidelines!   Why did we write this white paper? PowerApps embodies the idea of “democratization of development”—anyone in your organization can quickly and easily create a powerful app and share it broadly. But the app maker has an ethical, and sometimes legal, obligation to support “democratization of usage” […]

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Headshot of article author Anees Ansari

Makers can now easily add and move fields and controls, to the exact location they want, directly on the form preview, and instantly see how the form will appear to end-users. Two new features added to the new form designer: drag-drop and cut-paste are making this possible. Combined with the live WYSIWYG preview of the form, these new features provide a big productivity boost when authoring forms.

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Headshot of article author Hemant Gaur

Today we have reached an important milestone for Microsoft PowerApps: we are announcing public preview for PowerApps component framework for model-driven apps. This is a significant step towards empowering 3rd party developers to build compelling visual components in PowerApps and Dynamics 365 using the same framework which the Microsoft team uses. Professional developers can now […]

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Headshot of article author Emma Cooper

There is an icon in almost every app or website. A plus icon, a search icon, there’s even refresh icons on your browser you’re reading this blog in right now. The icon control in PowerApps allows you to include these graphical symbols for which you can configure properties such as their color, or their OnSelect property […]

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