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Power Apps Search


451 - 475 of 199,092

Re: Using StartsWith to perform filtering of 2 single line of text columns in gallery - 1 results in delegation warning, the other doesn't - Why??

Hi Warren, it is in fact a single line of text. If you look at my post again there are 2 images on it. The 2nd shows that Assigned To is single line of text. This was done because originally this was...

Re: Update ComboBox and clean record on RadioButton exchange

My ComboBox also has Choices in Items, I even use:     In my Update it doesn't really give that option, it seems to me that it's because of having the ComboBox with dynamic content...

Re: Adding options in Filter function

Replace "&" by "||" or "Or"

ODBC. Query connector- Provide username password in connection string

Is there a way we can specify username and password along with entire connection string while connecting to a database in mquery?   If yes, I could not find the valid syntax anywhere on the in...

Re: Gallery border doesn't change when parent.error is not blank

You rock! the problem was the borderthickness, I added a condition there If(IsBlank(Parent.Error), 0, 2) an worked as well. Thank you so much!

Re: Custom Connector import using Open API 3.0

Hi @kjekolts ,   What I've learned is that you can import an OpenAPI 3.0 file (yaml or json) if you are creating the connector through Power Automate (not Power Apps).  Unclear ...

Gallery Change Background colors doesn't extend pass the width of the container it is in

I have a horizontal container set to the width of the app (1366) then I have a vertical container inside the horizontal container so I can have horizontal and vertical scroll bars for this grid like ...

Combine Search, Filter and Lookup in canvas?

Trying to get my gallery to search with multiple tables. Having a heck of a time here. Perfect world I would want to have one search box to filter the products using info from 2 tables. But I couldn'...

Previous Owner Tracking

Hello, I want to track who the previous owner is, But don't know how. Can somebody help me? Also, I am using DataVerse. Thank You in advance.    

Error while scrolling selected lookup items in Lookup component

Reproduction steps Open a lookup with the option allowMultiSelect = true Select 2 items Click the scroll next arrow button located at the top of the lookup form (next to the items you selected) ...

IF(AND(COUNTIF(A:A,LEFT(A1,10)&"*")>1,RIGHT(A1,3)="671"),"",A1) translated in Power Query

Hello there! Basically, I work with very large datasets containing hundreds of thousands of rows and a hundred or so columns. These datasets consist of lists of clients' accounts, with associate...

Changing Combo Box from single selection to multiple selections

Hello,    Recently in my app I have been trying to change one of the combobox drop downs (Clinical Topics) to change from a single selection to allowing multiple selection. When I enable ...

Re: How to do plus one and minus one in a gallery on a textinput?

The problem is the gallery. Teh quantity is a textinput (number). So when it is changed by keyboard on a line, it works well like this:   But when using a variable as default for the fie...

Re: Use single Slicer to filter rows for multiple date column

Hi @BA_Pete    Thanks for your reply.   I have implemented it as per your suggestion but looks like something I have missed or done wrong. Could you please see the attached fi...

Re: Combine Search, Filter and Lookup in canvas?

Ah I see what I did, I changed it to  Search( AddColumns('Products (custom)', "Name", LookUp(Vendors,Name = 'Products (custom)'[@Vendor].Name).Name ), SearchInput1.Text, "cd_...

Re: Select earliest and latest dates between two columns that have the same ID in another column.

@laganlee You can use this, paste this complete code in the Advanced Editor: let Source = Table.FromRows ( Json.Document ( Binary.Decompress ( ...

Re: HTML Control link to mailto

Hi @sajarac  This would be quite difficult to do. Is the case that your HTML text comes from source that you can't control (eg, it contains the content of an incomming email?)   If yo...

Create table of blank fields

I have a user requirement to allow records to be saved with fields not filled out because sometimes some information isn't available during the record creation process. They've come back and now want...

New features not allowing to save the app(Replace) with existing app

earlier, within single environment, you can have Dev and Test apps, when we want to push the app to test, we use Save as feature to replace Test app with Dev one.   Now, with latest feature re...

Re: Meeting Capture V2

Hi¡ Loved that app but after some months without using it, now it doesn´t show any meetings when launch so it doesn´t work at all. Nor any error message. Any suggestion?  

Owning Team: trying to enable users to change owning team for records in Dynamics / Dataverse

Hi. I'm trying to manage the visibility of records in data verse accessed by guest users via a canvas app. I'm able to change owning business unit but not owning team for some reason.    ...


Hello,      is it possible adding and saving offline images that save to SharePoint once online

I dont understand properly how List.Generate() works

  let my_function = () => "Test", my_list = List.Generate( ()=>[x=1], // Failr here with: "ExpressionError: The name 'x' wasn't recogniced. Make sure it's spelled correct...

Re: Multiselection ComboBox not sending all selections to SharePoint list

if your sharepoint column is a text field, to pass the string of emails:    Concat(ComboBox1.SelectedItems, Mail&";")     I tested the rest of your setup and had no issue...