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General availability of custom help pane in model-driven apps

Headshot of article author Yifei Wang

Custom help pane feature gives your model apps a custom in-product help experience that is tailored to your app. It is now announcing general availability. With this update, there will be better stability and permanence of the experience. Plus the following improvements for the experience.

What’s new in experience

  1. New floating menu includes styling options (Bold and Italic) and formula options (curly brackets, strikethrough, subscript, power, and underline). Keyboard shortcuts also work for Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I, Ctrl + U.  
  2. Edit options are now added for links/images/videos/balloons/coachmarks. To edit balloons and coachmarks, select the link and find the edit option in the floating menu. During editing time, use Ctrl + Click to preview coachmarks and balloons.


Learn more about the feature: Custom help pane feature documentation.