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Power Apps Search


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Setting Up Data in Model Driven App

I am new to Model Driven Apps, but I have been working with Canvas Apps for a couple of years. I am looking to structure my data for my project management focused model driven app, and I wanted to se...

Power Apps - Play button

Hello,   I am new to Power Apps and was just curious to why something is functioning the way it is and if it will impact my app when it is published in anyway.   I have developed an app...

Re: Which Power Apps Premium Features?

You have to do the following: 1.- delete all data sources from dataverse or with diamond. 2.- Save and publish. 3.- Ready, it worked for me.

Re: Group data in power query

NewStep=Table.Combine(Table.Group(PreviousStepName,"Builder",{"n",each _&#table(Table.ColumnNames(_),{{"Number Of Jobs",Table.RowCount(_),List.Average([Days Since Sold]),List.Average([Projected C...

Re: Model-Driven App: Lookup Fields Not Displaying The Values

Would also like to add that I'm very new to model-driven and dataverse, so this is one of the new learnings for me. Thank you!

How to Enable Search in Address Finder Field in Canvas PowerApps

Implementation Steps:   1. Navigate to   2. Create a new Table Canvas PowerApps   3. Add Address Finder Controller from Insert   4. Prev...

Re: Get text input and under that take another textinputs to add questions

Hi @BJ94 ,   Could you please share more details about your scenario? Do you have two Text Input boxes within your Canvas App?   Generally speaking, you can leverage the T...

Re: Populating rows from Web.Contents response

... Custom0 = List.Transform( ResponseJson, (t)=>Table.FromRecords({t}) ), Custom1 = Table.Combine( Custom0 ), MergedColumns = Table.CombineColumns(Custom1,{"Country", "Cntry"},Combine...

Re: Get Data from web page using dynamic url from query

Hi Mark,   You need to put your file URL into a relative path argument so, instead of this: Web.Contents(yourUrlParameter)   You'll need to do something like this: Source = W...

Re: Get text input and under that take another textinputs to add questions

Hi @BJ94 ,   Use only two Text input boxes, it's not possible. A text input box can only type in texts manually OR reference to other controls/variables. You can add a Label to wor...

Re: How to run a flow from Power Apps which still runs for Blank Values in Drop downs.

Ok, let's look at the formula again and force text values instead of blanks where the input is a text type and a zero where its a number type: '133-TimeAllocationMasterFlow'.Run( If(IsBlank(paEmplo...

Re: Dynamic Query Parametrisation help

Hi @PavelVitek ,   What error message about refreshing did you get?  For now, maybe these similar blogs could help you. Setting a scheduled refresh on a Dynamic Data Sou...

Re: What is the main differences between a Data Table and a Gallery?

Thank you for the detailed answer. I will give it some time and wait for other replies. I'll also try it out and run a few tests. I'll share my findings here. 

Custom pages and custom command bar not working

I have faced a huge problem today. Suddenly in my development environment, I cannot access custom pages and button visibility does not work according to the formulas. The below error is shown: ...

How to store images in a SP list for a long questionnaire with multiple images per question

Dear all,    I have to make an audit app, but I'm getting stuck in how to save pictures.   There are 50 questions (e.g., "Is it safe?", "Is it clean?") - For each question, the au...

Re: Get currently selected items from a ComboBox

@cha_cha hi mate i get an error now when i try to do my patch statement.  

Re: Azure DevOps Power Platform pipeline Error

Hi Sundeep   Thanks for helping out! Looks like 'git checkout -b main' worked. I've run the pipeline succesfully now and am seeing the solution files in my repo.   I'll try and do the o...

Re: Azure DevOps Power Platform pipeline Error

@dibeau    Try this, not sure it would work or not In the 4th line of the code do this:   git checkout -b main It worked for me. Do come back if it works. 🙂

Re: Azure DevOps Power Platform pipeline Error

Following post, getting the same error.  For me I just removed the last line for temporary purposes. Because of which it did not create any folder in the repository. Though I was able to transf...

Re: Button Visibility Issues

@cha_cha Yes, on both live and dev environment.

Re: Since this morning any backend connection from any of our powerapps is extermely slow or even times out (Sharepoint and SQL)

@WaynePeinke Where can we find these kind of status updates? I was looking yesterday for something like this, but I could not find something similar. Is there any status page e.g. for powerapps?...

Re: POST query with authorization token

Sorry - I sure how to help.  Can you double check that Json is properly formatted by using VS Code or Postman.  Obtain the Json from the Text.FromBinary step and past it into another tool t...

Re: Two Forms and Two SP List

Hi @Moe69 ,   For customize forms, there would be a SharePointIntegration Control, which links to the buttons on SharePoint list page. I assume you have 4 forms that connect to Lis...

Re: Button Visibility Issues

@SebS To what should I apply the code? Is it to the Hamburger menu or the Download btn? Please give a clearer path to follow. Thanks

Re: Power Apps Loads to Black Screen. Only works after multiple refreshes.

@cha_cha, at the moment, its just a 3 screen app created from SharePoint, connected to just one data source, retrieving around 195 reccords.