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Re: how to change data type under formviewer

If(IsBlank(ThisItem.'Posting Date') || IsEmpty(ThisItem.'Posting Date'),IsBlank(),Text((ThisItem.'Posting Date'),ShortDate))   But You need to handle this on input if the error exist in the ro...

Re: GraphQL query in Power BI?

Hello, Would like to ask if you are still using Power BI and GraphQL? Does it still work after 2 years with the new verision of Hopex V5. We are trying to do the same thing that you are doing and c ...

Re: Local Error with refreshing data from CSV located in SharePoint

Hi,   i'm already using Version 2.111.590.0. I think it's the newest one available?   Best regards, becko1001

Re: Dynamic values excel to PowerApps datacontrol

Solution: I used excel online for business connector for importing excel from document library and I am able to lookup values dynamically .

Timer control & PDF File

Hello!   I have been asked to build a form that has a required time limit for each page of a PDF file - the time limit would be 1 minute per page. I've setup my app as below with the PDF Vi...

Re: Fetch data from another list in list form

@jefmeyer unfortunately this is not working I tried    Lookup(list,title=this item.claim.value).URL   Thus returns blank

Re: Need Help, Gallery.Item function can't delegate.

Thank you for replying! So don't have any workaround to do below: Search 5000 item's "Title" and "Content" field with embedded words?

Re: Items in Data but filter is not showing them

I am reading that if I move to Dataverse will this remove the limit. Looks like I've got a bit of work to do. ...... Dang amateurs (me) thinking they can do this on their own by watching YouTub...

Re: Errors during Import zip in powerapps

Hi Michelle, I'm not very familiar with the specific error message (seems like there are some excel resources that can not be found on the location where you want to import this app). Unfortunately...

List.Generate API Pagination Data Load returning more rows

Hello. I have set up a parameter called fTickets to get a page of 100 results from an API by entering a page number. I also have a query that also uses the list.generate command to loop through pages...

Filtering on a SPList based on the text value of a selected dropdown..

When I look for the examples of how to return all records of a column where a lookup column value is equal to the text value of a drop-down, I see no such scenario. Can someone please provide insight...

Re: Connection references lost while doing with Azure Dev. Pipelines deployment

Hello, @Innrg, if you are using solutions, make sure to add those references to the solution.      If my reply helped you, please give a  👍   , &...

Re: Store and convert an array of objects in JSON inside Power Apps

@sdedic wrote: I was successful in populating labels when the response was returned as JSON string, but when it is returned as an array of objects I'm having a difficult time figuring out the ...

Re: Having issues setting a varusername

@GeminiWorks  So you are trying to substitute one name for another?  Where are you drawing the substitution name from?

Re: Set record variable

@CSJ_AL  See if instead you are not being affected as much by the variable specifically, than by one of these issues instead: Combo Box Selected Items - Lookup Field Issues  Combo bo...

Re: How to add individual buttons that get value of record

No. These are individual textboxes. I set the onvisible property of the screen to a variable that calls the sp list for each of the textboxes  

Working with 2 Lookup tables in Power Query

Hello Power BI Community,   I have two tables in Power Query Editor pulling from 2 separate SharePoint Lists - a 'master project' table containing project names, and a 'shortlist of items assi...

Re: Nested Lookup Delegation Warnings (Dataverse)

@paulhaagsefa Do you observe a difference in the number of records returned when you try it when use the date and when you don't? I mean when you use the Date are the number of returned results ...

Re: Unabel to convert table type to text in filter function

I'm a bit confused... you are filtering the data source BillngTsks.  What is it you are trying to do with the ProjType table?  You can't filter a table by another table

Re: On Parent form show child records and 1 more level down data

Thanks for your Response  can you please tell step by step instructions?   Thanks

Re: Power Apps wCookie Management - ASP.NET SessionsID

@michaelgappa1    1. Go to 2. On upper right notice the settings gear. Click it 3. Click Advanced Settings   4. Now click on the chevron to the rig...

Form for Sharepoint list, field that is part of a lookup returning error that it is required

hi all,   I am afraid that I am new to Power Apps. I have shared on the forum but not found anything about this, however my search skills aren't the greatest. So my apologies if this is a simp...

Check Box output to Email

I need help with my check boxes, currently the check box labled no equipment needed when checked and sent into an email just says true if checked and false if not checked. What I want is when the che...

Re: Powerapps form

I changed classname to  drop down control and changed item property. I then changed the classcode defaults to LookUp(Classes,Dropdown1.Selected.Value=ClassName).ClassCode I get the error. ...