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Announcing VNet Connectivity for Power Platform Dataflows (Public Preview)

Headshot of article author Arthi Ramasubramanian Iyer

Our key focus has been on protecting your data on the Microsoft cloud and ensuring secure and authorized access to this data. While Azure virtual networks (VNets) offer network isolation and security for your resources on the Microsoft cloud, this now raises a need for a secure connectivity medium from Power platform to these resources.

Earlier this year, we introduced VNet connectivity for Power BI Datasets and we are now excited to announce the public preview of VNet connectivity for Power Platform Dataflows. The new VNet connectivity feature enables secure outbound connectivity from Power Platform dataflows to data sources within your Azure VNet.

Virtual network (VNet) data gateways (Microsoft-managed) eliminate the overhead of installing, updating, and monitoring on-premises data gateways for connecting to data sources associated to a VNet. They, however, still follow the familiar process of managing security as with an on-premises data gateway.

During public preview, Power platform dataflow users will have access to this feature for free.

For more information on supported data sources please see Supported data sources for Power Platform dataflows.

Creating VNet Gateways, is a 3-step process:

Once you create a VNet gateway, you can manage it on Power platform admin center where you could manage administrators as you do for On-premises data gateway.

You can then use a VNet data gateways in Power Query Online while authoring a dataflow just like you would use On-premises data gateway:

More information on VNet data gateways, limitations, FAQs see What is a virtual network (VNet) data gateway (Preview) | Microsoft Docs.

Do try this feature and continue to send us feedback on how we can improve it but also what new capabilities you’d like to see in the future.