Pipelines for All are now Generally Available (GA)
If you haven’t already heard, Power Platform is advancing in the mission to democratize healthy ALM by removing a significant barrier to entry: extensive manual setup. We are excited to announce that the feature set included in Pipelines for All is now Generally Available, and we’ve made many upgrades to make personal pipelines even more useful across a variety of use cases.
What’s new?
With the latest updates, makers and admins have more control over the structure and usage of personal pipelines, allowing them to customize them to their needs.
Add a stage to your single-stage pipeline
Pipeline owners can append an additional stage to their personal pipelines, enabling them to create a lightweight dev->test->prod 2-stage pipeline if applicable.
Reuse your pipeline in a different development environment

Lightweight pipeline creators can use a pipeline they’ve already made, even if the current environment isn’t linked to the pipeline yet. Then, when the maker deploys, the environment will be linked as a source.
Admins can use Force Link to move environments from one pipelines host to another and instantly resolve cross-host environment association errors
As part of the “environment is already associated with another host” error, there is now a Force Link action available for admins to delink an environment from a current pipelines host and link it to the one they want to govern ALM in.
In addition to these new capabilities, we have also enabled redeploying previous solution versions by default for newly created pipelines. This setting can still be managed by admins in the Deployment Pipeline Configuration app via Manage pipelines.
Easy ALM for Makers
Pipelines for All is a jumpstart to healthy ALM with no extra privileges required, no conflicts with existing environments associated with pre-configured custom pipelines hosts, and, most importantly, no hassle to deploy your solutions.
When deploying, target environments must be enabled as Managed Environments.
Admins still have control
Personal pipelines rely on makers’ import-access to target environments. Admins can directly control what environments makers have import-access to by either creating custom security roles or customizing current privileges. We are also working on other governance features that will scale the management of personal pipelines as well as bulk environment association to a custom host. In custom hosts, unlike within the platform host, pipeline creation can be further restricted and pipelines can be as advanced as you are willing to make them using our various extensibility points.
ALM isn’t a one-size-fits-all space, and we have designed Pipelines with that core principle at the forefront. Pipelines is a solution that has the power to work for everyone, and we are just as excited as you are with each new update we make.
Learn more about pipelines
- Set up pipelines in Power Platform. Microsoft docs