Provisioning and administration updates are now live in the Power Platform Admin center

We’re really excited to announce some great improvements that are available globally in the Power Platform Admin center.

Summary of changes

  • Provisioning environments is now available in the Power Platform Admin center.
  • Provisioning in Power Platform Admin center based on available capacity.
  • Administrators can use the Power Platform Admin center to view all environments.
  • License requirements to administrator environments have been simplified.
  • Top table trend is now available in the capacity report.

Provisioning environments from the Power Platform Admin center

You can now create an environment without Common Data Service, an environment with Common Data Service, or even an environment with Dynamics 365 apps installed, from the Power Platform Admin center. Environment creation requires 1GB of available database capacity. Review and manage your tenant capacity here.

You can read more about provisioning here.

New environment
New environment with database
Enable Dynamics 365 apps

Provisioning based on available capacity

Provisioning environments is simple – based on database capacity. Previously, it was two environments per PowerApps Plan 2 license. Now all you need is 1GB of available capacity to provision. All environments with or without Common Data Service will consume at least 1GB capacity.

Dynamics 365 customers in the new capacity based model can also provision using the 1GB available capacity.

Single place to view and manage environments

With the latest updates you can now view all environments in the Power Platform Admin center. Previously, administrators had to manage environments going to different admin centers. We will continue to add more and more functionality to the Power Platform Admin center making this a single place for administrators to manage environments.


Simplified license requirements for administration

With the latest update, administrators don’t require a PowerApps P2 license to administrator. You can review the license requirements here. For organizations who want to restrict environment provisioning to certain roles, we have provided an easy way to restrict environment provisioning to Global administrators, Dynamics 365 service administrators, and delegated admins. Users in your organization can still continue to provision Trial environments.

You can read more on this here.

Environment governance

Table trends are now available in capacity reporting

The top table trend data is now available in the capacity reports. We will be adding the ability to download the table data as well this summer. Check your capacity report here.

Capacity report