The Regional Government Emergency Response and Monitoring Solution
In the early days of the COVID-19 crisis, hospitals had to quickly adapt their operations to care for the surge of new cases. Working closely with local healthcare providers, Microsoft developed a Hospital Emergency Response Solution that helped track bed capacity and key resources. Now, state and local governments have come together to help monitor regional healthcare systems, facilitate emergency responses, and assist in the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE). Continued monitoring of healthcare capacity and supplies across a region is critical to safely re-opening economies. The insights gained by Microsoft from working closely with healthcare providers and state governments has now been translated into a new Regional Government Emergency Response and Monitoring solution built on Microsoft Power Platform.
The Regional Government Emergency Response and Monitoring solution provides an aggregated view of COVID-19 cases, bed capacity, equipment usage, supplies, and staff across a large region. The solution was designed to meet the needs of both healthcare providers and state or regional public health departments. Mobile healthcare workers can quickly provide updated counts on their terms and in their time frame. The solution is built on Microsoft Power Apps Portal and Microsoft Power BI. It can be rapidly deployed across large geographic regions and across a variety of healthcare facilities including hospitals, clinics, elderly care, and long term care centers. Near real-time dashboards provide all organizations visibility into critical data necessary to establish situational awareness and coordinate responses.
The Regional Government Emergency Response and Monitoring solution has now been adopted by the State of Washington Department of Health and deployed to over 115 hospitals across the state.
“During an unprecedented public health crisis, the project team at Microsoft stood up a highly functional database with an engaging user interface that we rapidly deployed to every hospital across the state. The WA HEALTH platform gives health officials and hospitals a powerful shared view of our health care system’s state of readiness on any given day. It will be an indispensable tool as we confront the coronavirus pandemic and prepare for an influx of patients.” – Clark Halvorson, Assistant Secretary, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Washington State Department of Health
Get the full instructions for how you can implement the solution in this documentation.
Watch the Power Platform Regional Government Emergency Response and Monitoring solution video.
The solution involves several components.
Portal for healthcare providers and regional agencies
- Healthcare workers can quickly update counts of beds, cases, supplies, and staff using a number of devices including desktop and mobile phones.
- There is also access to dashboards and reports for decision makers in the organization to view the roll-up information.
- Facility administrators are provided with the ability to manage their users, facilities, and systems.
Dashboards and maps for regional decision makers
Regional decision makers have access to overview dashboards and heat maps for establishing situational awareness and coordinating responses. Regional users include state and city public health agencies, emergency responders, fire departments, regional command centers, and regional procurement teams.
All of these components are built on the Microsoft Power Platform and backed by the Common Data Service. The platform is designed for enterprise scale, and is capable of handling high volume and sensitive information. Every element from the solution to the underlying data model can be easily customized and extended with low code tools to meet the needs of specific organizations.
In order to support the rapid response of organizations who need these tools urgently, we’re also offering a 6-month free usage of full Power Apps capabilities to organizations in the healthcare, government, nonprofit, and education sectors that are responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Contact your Microsoft account representative for details on how to take advantage of this trial.
Today’s release is just the first step. We will make improvements continually as we learn from existing and new deployments. Watch this space for updates and chime in with feedback and suggestions.
This solution is a sample and may be used with Microsoft Power Platform for dissemination of reference information only. This solution is not intended or made available for use as a medical device, clinical support, diagnostic tool, or other technology intended to be used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or other conditions, and no license or right is granted by Microsoft to use this app for such purposes. This solution is not designed or intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or judgement and should not be used as such. Customer bears the sole risk and responsibility for any use of this app. Microsoft does not warrant that the solution or any materials provided in connection therewith will be sufficient for any medical purposes or meet the health or medical requirements of any person. Sample data included in this solution are for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association is intended or inferred.