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10 Reusable Components: tab control, calendar, dialog box, map control and more

Headshot of article author Mehdi Slaoui Andaloussi

This blog post will present a set of custom controls built using the new PowerApps component feature for Canvas apps.

As a prerequisite, check out Yifie Wang’s blog post introducing the PowerApps components feature and Brian Dang’s “start your journey with components” blog post that includes instructions on importing/exporting components and more.

Control Samples

Before we delve into individual components, I would like to share 2 guiding principles we used as much as possible when building these controls.

1) A reusable control should offer a degree of customization and flexibility so that consumers of the controls do not need to delve into the component’s internal implementation in order to meet their requirements.

2) The interface of the control should remain simple and clean. By interface here, I mean the input and output parameters of the components.  One has to carefully consider which input parameters are worth exposing. There is a balance between providing a flexible controls and over bloating the control with too many parameters (Interface bloat).

To follow these 2 principles, we used a simple strategy where exposed only important input parameters and used a generic Styles property (a value-pair collection) to include more refined style related parameters that are useful for those who wants to further change the look and feel of the control.

You can download the demo app package here and the individual components here.

Special Thanks to Denise Moran for her contribution to this v1 iteration. You too can be a contributor. Head over to the PowerApps tools github and join the community in adding your own components.

Here is an overview of the components:

Map Control

Static Bing Map component. Allow you to render static map based on Latitude and Longitude. User can specify zoom levels, push-pins…etc


Property Description
Latitude Sets the latitude of the location.
Longitude Sets the longitude of the location.
Zoom Zoom level of the map component.
Key Required Bing Map Key to use the component.

Pushpins Sets a collection of pins that is rendered within the map.

Show Zoom Sets the visibility of the zooming buttons.
Styles Sets a collection of styles that controls various visual aspects of the map.

Table({Key: "Imagery", Value:"Road"}, {Key: "PinStyle", Value:"50"})

Radial Gauge Control
The Gauge Control displays a value in a certain range using a needle on a circular face.

Property Description
Default Sets the default % value of the Gauge. Range from 0-100.
Indicator Image Url Sets the image representing the needle of the gauge.
Gauge Background Url Sets the image representing the semi-circle

Geo-Fence Control

A non visual component that signals when the mobile device enters or leaves a particular area within a certain radius. This component will only be visible in the PowerApps Studio and will not render when the app is running.  Given Latitude, Longitude and a radius, this control will compute given the current geo-location of the device whether we are withing the specified radius.

Property Description
Latitude Sets the latitude of the target location.
Longitude Sets the longitude of the target location.
Radius Radius in Kilometer


Property Description
IsWithinRadius Gets a boolean value signaling whether the distance between current location and specified location (Latitude and Longitude) is within the radius.
Distance Gets the distance in Kilometer between current location and specified location

Tab Control

A tab control is a flexible navigation component that can be used to build tabbed interfaces in PowerApps applications.  Tabs can be configured to navigate to other screens or to trigger any action such as launching a different app or opening the browser. A tab control can be used for vertical and horizontal menus.


Property Description
Color Sets the text color.
Selected Color Sets the text color when the tab is selected.
Size Sets the font size of the text.
IsVertical Sets the orientation of the tab control.
Table({ Label: "Tab 1", Screen: Screen1, Icon: "", SelectedIcon:"" },
   { Label: "Tab 2", Screen: Screen2, Icon: "", SelectedIcon:"" },
   { Label: "Tab 3", Screen: Screen3, Icon: "", SelectedIcon:"" }
Styles Sets a collection of styles that controls various visual aspects of the tab control.

Table({Key: "TabControlImageWidth", Value:"30"},
      {Key: "Font", Value:"Segoe UI"})


Property Description
Selected Sets the selected tab item.


With a little bit of customization, we can achieve a  different look and feel for the tab control:

Dialog Control

Dialog controls are modal UI overlays that provide contextual app information. They block interactions with the app window until being explicitly dismissed. They often request some kind of action from the user.

Property Description
Table({Label: "Cancel", Fill:"#FFFFFF", Color:"#0086D0"},
      {Label: "Ok", Fill:"#0086D0", Color:"#FFFFFF"})
Title Sets Title of the Dialog Box.
Description Sets the body text of the dialog box.
Table({Key: "Font", Value:"Segoe UI"},
{Key: "DialogTitleFontSize", Value:16},
{Key: "DialogDescriptionFontSize", Value:12})

OverlayColor Sets a collection of styles that controls various visual aspects of the tab control

NumericUpDown Control

The NumericUpDown control allows users to increase or decrease a numeric value using the increment and decrement buttons.


Property Description
Min Sets the minimum value to which the user can set for the NumericUpDown.
Max Sets the maximum value to which the user can set for the NumericUpDown.
Increment Sets the increment used when user increments or decrements the NumericUpDown.
BorderThickness Sets the border thickness of the NumericUpDown.
BorderColor Sets the border color of the NumericUpDown.
BorderRadius Sets the border radius of the NumericUpDown.
ButtonsColor Sets the color of the increment and decrement buttons.
Styles Sets a collection of styles that controls various visual aspects of the NumericUpDown.

Table({Key: "Font", Value:"Segoe UI"},
{Key: "NudIconPadding", Value:10})
Increment Button Icon Sets the image for the increment button.
Decrement Button Icon Sets the image for the decrement button.
Default Sets the default value of the NumericUpDown


Property Description
Value Gets Current Value of the NumericUpDown.



Bar-code Generator

Barcode generator for code39

barcode generator

Property Description
Code Sets the text used the generate the code bar using code 39.

Calendar Control
A calendar view lets a user view and interact with a calendar that they can navigate by month or year. A user can select a single date or a range of dates.

Calendar Control

Property Description
Color Sets color of the text.
Select Range Set the mode of operation of the calendar. When set to true, user can select a range of dates. When false, user can only select a unique date
BorderRadius Sets the border radiaus of the selected date rectangle.
Selected Date Color Sets the color of the text of the selected date.
Selected Date Fill Sets the background color of the selected date rectangle
Default Start Date Sets the default start date.
Default End Date Sets the default end date.
e.g: Table({Key: "Font", Value:"Segoe UI"})


Property Description
StartDate The selected start date.
EndDate The selected end date. This default to start date when the Select Range is set to false.

ColorPicker Control
A color picker is used to browse through and select colors. By default, it lets a user navigate through colors on a color spectrum, or specify a color in either Red-Green-Blue (RGB) or Hexadecimal textboxes.

Property Description
Default Sets the default color for the Color Picker in Hex representation


Property Description
SelectedColor Gets the selected Color value.
SelectedHexColor Gets the selected Color value in Hex representation.

Preloader Control
A progress control provides feedback to the user that a long-running operation is underway. It can mean that the user cannot interact with the app when the progress indicator is visible, and can also indicate how long the wait time might be, depending on the indicator used.

Property Description
Animated Gif Sets the animated Gif for the Preloader animation.
Text Sets the text for the preloader
Color Sets the color of the preloader text.
Styles Sets a collection of styles that controls various visual aspects of the Preloader.

Table({Key: "Font", Value:"Segoe UI"})

Give it a try !  We would love to hear your feedback. We have more open-source components coming soon to the PowerApps Tools github repository…. If you have any feedback or issues, please feel free to add to