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Review feedback and ratings from your users to improve your apps

Headshot of article author Yogesh Gupta

We are pleased to announce public preview of App Ratings, a much-awaited feature by our community of makers.

We aim for Power Apps to be synonymous with highest quality apps built at enterprise scale. As a further step to this goal, we are enabling makers and organization administrators to view the app ratings and comments provided by app users. The feature is currently available only for model-driven apps as part of public preview.

The mechanism to capture feedback for the apps is completely managed by Microsoft and is compliant with all international privacy and security standards. The feedback is processed to generate satisfaction score of an app on a scale of 0 to 200 which is displayed to makers for their apps.

In addition to app satisfaction score and trends, the feature also provides list of all comments provided by end users which makers and administrators can sort by satisfaction scale. The feature also provides integration with actions to improve your apps – Solution Checker, Performance Insights, Live Monitor and usability recommendations.

To know more, please refer to our documentation.

Please also provide your feedback on this feature here.