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Announcing public preview of Auto Updates for Power Apps & Dynamics CE

Headshot of article author Angela Kim

We are excited to share that Auto Updates for ISV Apps is now in public preview! This new feature allows automatic updates of third-party applications installed through AppSource, helping both ISVs and customers keep software up to date in a simple and controlled way, with minimal administrative overhead.

What’s included?

  • Explicit tenant admin opt-in: Admin users control whether to opt-in from Power Platform Admin Center to enable this feature.
  • Pre-approved publishers: Admin users indicate which ISVs are permitted to automatically update apps in their environment once opted in.
  • Dark hours only: To further minimize impact, automatic updates will only happen during dark hours.

Enabling Auto Updates

As an ISV, you do not require additional action to enable automatic updates for your apps. Only tenant admin users are required to act by opting-in to this feature for select publishers from the Power Platform Admin Center.

Leveraging ISV Studio to monitor auto updates

Gain insights from analytics on the auto updates across your published apps. As an ISV with access to ISV Studio, you can view details about your automatic updates and opt-in rates.

Getting started

For more information, please visit the how-to instructions to learn more.

We can’t wait to hear your feedback! Reach out to us via the following forums or The PowerUsers community.