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Power BI embedded as system dashboard in model-driven apps (preview)

Headshot of article author Adrian Orth

We are excited to announce public preview of Power BI embedded as a system dashboard in the Power Apps model-driven app. This enables adding a reference to an online Power BI report or dashboard as a system dashboard.  This is then available to all users through the standard dashboard page selector.  Like other system dashboards, security can restrict access to certain users.  Users will need to use the relevant Power BI license and authorization to consume the content.

Makers can enable Power BI embedding through a solution dialog that allows referencing the workspace that the report or dashboard is uploaded to.

To help with ALM for multiple environments, we support Environment Variables to allow each environment to reference a different workspace.  This allows configuring each environment using the standard current and default values.

This Power BI embedding in Power Apps builds on the existing capability to add a Power BI dashboard as a user dashboard.  However that is limited to the user adding or other users it is shared with.  By enabling through the system dashboard, rich data visualizations can be easily made available to all users within an environment.

Learn more at Create or edit Power BI embedded page.