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Canvas components get support for connectors

Headshot of article author Yifei Wang

Connectors can now be used in canvas components! I am excited to announce availability of one of the most requested features for canvas components, with supporting API data sources as a first step. Check out how it makes components more powerful and interesting.

Components now get access to all API data sources included the app containing the component definitions.

Sharing components with data sources is simple. A connection consent dialog prompts confirming adding the connections when importing a component with data sources.

Check out sample components made with data sources.

  1. Outlook inbox (download link)

Connector: Outlook

Function: View list of emails, read emails, and reply. This component is made responsive as shown.

Note: Ensure ‘Formula-level error management’ is turned on in app settings.

  1. Outlook send email (Download here)

Connector: Outlook

Function: Send email.

Note: Ensure ‘Formula-level error management’ is turned on in app settings.

  1. Office user card (Download link)

Connector: Office User

Function: Search people in the organization and view contact card.


Check out more examples at community canvas component gallery. Learn about component feature (link). Share your feedback and ideas on the community forum with #component.