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Accigo AB

Accigo works with business and business development based on digital solutions. Accigo’s business model is based around different business hubs with specific offers that have all been initiated by the needs that we have seen within the market. Because of the structure with different business hubs, we can offer our customers help with cutting edge expertise in specific areas and complete solutions where several business hubs work together towards one larger project with one specific client.

The entirety of Accigo rests on the business concept that was developed when Accigo was founded in 2007, Efficiency in Harmony™. This explains our unique approach, which also includes methods that Accigo has adopted to ensure secure IT projects and services within Digitization. Now, over 10 years later, it seems that we were on to something, because today we are over 140 consultants with customers from small local players to large global giants, who value our commitment and business knowledge. Our effort to make a difference has led us to influence and develop successful solutions together.

Accigo is part of the business group that is called Business Wellness Group, which is owned by active employees. The co-owners are also partners in this company in the corporate group. We have offices in Stockholm and Oslo. In Stockholm, our office is located opposite the Central Station with fantastic views of the City Hall and Riddarfjärden. The office in Oslo is located at the Central Station.

Accigo has deep expertise in Power Platform and our organizational structure enables value creation solutions within the Power platform. Accigo can deliver standalone solutions to solve specific problems, but when Power Platform is used as part of a complete business system, the value exchange is greatest. 

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