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(301) 318-4863


Raising the standard for cloud modernization and beyond, the Cognizant Microsoft Business Group is an end-to-end, award winning Microsoft-centric cloud solutions provider leveraging our extensive experience and IP to deliver constant innovation and business value to our clients with focus, simplicity and scale. Whether you have a platform native, multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud environment, we meet you where you are on your cloud modernization journey. As one of the world’s most certified Microsoft partners, we have designed our proprietary GO Digital Operating Model to help you rebalance your people, processes and technology to maximize the business value of your investments on the Microsoft Cloud platform. Learn more at or follow us @CognizantMBG on Twitter.

귀사에 적합한 세계 최고의 솔루션 더 보기

Microsoft Power Apps 파트너가 되고 싶으세요?

팀에서 인증 파트너의 역할이 중요합니다. 회사의 인재들이 전 세계의 Microsoft Power Apps 사용자와 연결하여 경험을 공유하며 새로운 비즈니스 기회를 확대할 수 있습니다.