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+351 919 681 383


DevScope is a Microsoft Gold Partner specialized in helping organizations stay competitive and get over both market and organizational problems. For over 15 years, DevScope has developed and deployed solutions in various areas, from retail to healthcare or real estate, always working with the latest tech and delivering lasting results.

Our main areas of focus are currently Data & Business Intelligence, Portals & Collaboration, AI & Machine Learning, and Product development. Office 365 is at the center of most of our activity, and we extensively use it. Microsoft Flow is present is most solutions we deploy and develop, automating functions and integrating services.  

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팀에서 인증 파트너의 역할이 중요합니다. 회사의 인재들이 전 세계의 Microsoft Power Apps 사용자와 연결하여 경험을 공유하며 새로운 비즈니스 기회를 확대할 수 있습니다.