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Fidelity Factory Inc.

Fidelity Factory is an independent firm focused on providing customers with solutions using a process centric approach.

We formed our company after recognizing the opportunity for simple solutions that addressed real business process issues. This approach continues to lead Fidelity consultants through the doors of many great organizations.

Our portfolio of clients spans a broad spectrum of industries. Over the years, we have forged lasting relationships with many of our clients. We continue to work with almost all of the accounts we started our company with.

We are early adopters of progressive technology and invest in simple solutions that our clients can quickly recognize value with.  We have worked with SharePoint since its release in 2001 and have been early adopters of Flow and PowerApps as well.

귀사에 적합한 세계 최고의 솔루션 더 보기

Microsoft Power Apps 파트너가 되고 싶으세요?

팀에서 인증 파트너의 역할이 중요합니다. 회사의 인재들이 전 세계의 Microsoft Power Apps 사용자와 연결하여 경험을 공유하며 새로운 비즈니스 기회를 확대할 수 있습니다.