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As the volume of data continues to grow, Business Intelligence has become essential to corporate decision making. In an increasingly connected world, the need to access enterprise applications and data while on the move is becoming paramount to improve employee efficiency and customer service in the field.


HLi Tunisia, a subsidiary of the HLi group, is a benchmark player in the field of consulting, customer-centric digital transformation, and Business Intelligence. Partner of Microsoft, it has extensive expertise and experience in the integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform as well as Power BI.


For almost 16 years of experience and expertise, HLi Tunisia has successfully provided its clients with consulting and data analysis services, HLi Tunisia has defined many projects approach inline in terms of agility, technical/integration/migration constraints and implication of its operational team to ensure a better grasp of the industry standards.


The dashboard and PowerBI reports provide on-demand visibility into case information such as data volumes, cost savings and expenses. This subject matter information enables you to make informed decisions, create more accurate budgets, and implement and monitor the effectiveness of subject matter and cross-functional processes.

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