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Robotic Process Automation is a form of business process optimization, where you can define a set of instructions across a variety of applications for a robot to perform. RPA automates repetitive human tasks by mimicking the actions of the human user on the computer.

RPA for Healthcare is an easy-to-adopt solution for enterprise-class organizations by combining deep expertise in the medical billing process and the cutting edge technology of Microsoft Power Automate Platform to reduce operational expenses and ensure HIPAA compliance.

Adopters of the solution can expect to see savings of up to 15% within the first six months and an average of 30% in the long term. It is ideal for automating time-consuming tasks that RCM specialists or office personnel address every day.

Exelegent’s RPA for Healthcare benefits:
24/7/365 automated processes without human interaction
  • Average Cost savings of 30%
  • Productivity boosts up to 50%
  • Secure seamless integration from a 6-time Gold Microsoft Partner
  • Fewer human errors
  • Keep your data and processes in-house
  • Less expensive and more secure than outsourcing 


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