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We specialize in helping you get that first PowerApps project off the ground and making sure that you learn the skills necessary so you can maintain and customize it going forward. PowerApps is a tool for the Information Worker to use their business skills and knowledge to build solutions to business problems. Not for developers to write a bunch of code.

To see more of our style and how we give back to the community check out the PowerApps community gallery. There you can find our Microsoft MVP Shane Young providing getting started videos and articles helping to empower you to build your own solutions.

If you want to work directly with Shane fill out the request and we will have him contact you right away.


希望成为 Microsoft Power Apps 合作伙伴?

认证合作伙伴是团队的重要组成部分!寻找新的商机、建立联系并与全球 Microsoft Power Apps 用户共享自己公司的人才和经验。