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Re: Scatter chart data label Power BI

Hi @shreyamukkawar    Thanks for your reply. but this document is too old. Maybe Power BI announce some tactics for it    

Powerapps / formula modification

Hi folks, please help a layman to modify this formula. I want to deactivate the button until 10 minutes before the end of the ongoing meeting. The formula is supposed to skip records where the BODY ...

Re: One user can not access the data in the app?

Try sharing the entire site instead.

Re: Dropdown filter to use name not ID number

@phipps0218  These are the items of the dropdown. The list (FSS3_Truck_Type) is what I'm using to get the names.   SharePoint List:

Changing parent Business Unit

Hello, While trying to change a parent business unit of a business unit it is throwing an SQL query exception without showing the SQL error code details. Below are the error details: `Except...

Re: This formula has side effects and cannot be evaluated error

Hi, Im adding it on the onSelect of the text in the datatable. I've made the text of the Status Reason column a hyperlink. 

Filtering 2 sharepoint lists in one Gallery

I am looking at filtering two sharepoint lists in one gallery. Both lists have the same columns. I am using a dropdown for the filter.   Both lists contain assets within a chosen room (which i...

Re: Creating a Collection, Using most recent DateTime per record

Okay, I feel like I'm really close with this: Clear(colSpecialDays); Collect(colSpecialDays, ForAll( GroupBy( Filter( colActiveShiftSchedule, ...

Re: Spreading rows based on division percentages from another table

Hi @JayWai ,   You should just be able to merge Input2 to Input1 on [Employee Name], then multiply Input1[Amount] by Input2[%] to get the new amount column. Remove any columns yo...

Re: Overlapping time ranges

Hi @MrDeg ,   What's the relevance of Op2 and Op8 - why are all the workstreams being dumped into these particularly? Is there another layer of grouping that identifies these as th...

Re: Reading value from another Sharepoint list base on dropdown list value

Hi @Ajwou , In which column (of the main list) are you trying to save Assignee's value based of task selected and what is the column type ?

Re: ComboBox Shpw vaules base on Current logged in User

Without having any insight into your use case and scenario i would add a column to you datasource that says what email has access to what values, and then do a filter like below:   Filter(Li...

Unpivot multiple groups

Hello All,    I  have the following source table .   Volvo Peugeot Mercedez Audi   Volvo v40 Peugeot 308 A class A1 IndexA 0,5 0,2 0,1 0,1 IndexB ...

error creating a pdf with the new pdf-function

Hello guys, so when i want to create a pdf-file with the pdf-function it says "An error occured creating the pdf-file". But when i remove 'ExpandContainers: true' the error disappears and it creates...

Re: Variables in Query

Hi @jbwtp    Apologises for the delay a couple of issues arose at work which took up my time. If i'm reading your solution correctly we'd still need to know the upper limit of the nu...

Re: Can't add security groups to a security role anymore?

You can add the security group to an Environment Team and then add a security role to the Team. See also:

Dynamic parameters in button click ask powerapps when item created in editform

Please help me how to pass the dynamic parameters for sending email to SharePoint approvers list when item created in SharePoint list using edit form and while clicking submit button item getting cre...

Re: Patch to create item in another list

There are lot of errors I get in this formula after replacing actual list names and field names. Seems This is a pseudo code.

Re: How to make a power apps locked/invisible, only if the value of the choice column in the sharepoint list is equal to yes.

@PatrickFarrell4  If(LookUp(ListName,  'has user submitted this month'.Value="Yes", Notify("You have already submitted this month",Error), Navigate(scr...))

Re: Patch to create item in another list

I think I should use power automate to create item if it doesn't exist and modify if exists.

Re: Store multiple days from Date Range in individual data rows in SharePoint

Here you go! Tons of Thanks! ----------------------------------     With( { wDates: ForAll( Sequence( DateDiff( DataCardFrom.SelectedDate, DataCardTo.SelectedDate, Days ) + 1 )...

Multi Source Gallery not Visually Updating

Good Afternoon,   I have been designing a Canvas app with a gallery that gets items from 3 SharePoint lists. Each list is for the status of a request(Pending, Active, Archived). They are separ...

calculate time between two columns and different rows - turnaround calculation

I have two columns: In time and out time - the columns are formatted in date and time. I need to find the turnaround time in minutes (in time - previous out time).  I also want the turnaround ...

Re: Reset items based on new search in filtered gallery

Hi @WarrenBelz, I apologize for my lack of experience, I don't think I explicitly created a Collection (unless that collection is coming from my sql database) but the information in the gallery ...

Re: How to create an empty table from a list where list items become the table columns

let Source = {"c1","c2","c3"}, EmptyTable = #table(Source,{}) in EmptyTable