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Is there restrictions for Collect() in buttons with other functions like Set()

I need a button where I set a new Collection and also set new variables.   Is it possible have Collect() and Set() in a same button with "And" between them?   Because if I add both func...

Re: Test Engine - [Error]: Access to the path '...' is denied

 I am running the command from where the project is located,  /Users/User/PowerApps-TestEngine/src/PowerAppsTestEngine . I am running it on a Mac. I tried to run in as root and got the...

Re: Is there restrictions for Collect() in buttons with other functions like Set()

Hi @Finnair    Seperate  Collect()  with ;    Like this    Collect(); Set()   you can place more actions like that just make sure at...

Update Sharepoint list

I was going to update the sharepoint list using Powerapp editforms. I have text, cascading dropdown and varchoices in my editform. But when I hit submitform bottom, it gave me the error: Obeject must...

PowerApps MySQL Connection GUID Error

Has anyone encountered the following error while working with MySQL Connection (Azure Database for MySQL) in Power Apps? What is the solution to this as this is occurring frequently? Issue Text 'Gu...

Re: Milestones in Teams - Can you copy a project to use as a template?

No, The Milestone app was never called Planner.  Milestones does not have what you're looking for.  Tasks by Planner and To-do does.  Please go back and read my prior posts.  Task...

Re: Unpivot multiple groups

@wdx223_Daniel Thank you for your reply. Apologies, I didnt mention my Power BI level is an entry level so I am not familiar yet with the query language.     @v-jingzhang T...

Re: Campare an Excel File results to Figures in PDF file

Hi @SarahFe ,   If you want to set-up a process that compares data extracted from the PDF and Data coming from an Excel file, the best thing you can do is using a Power Automate flow...

Re: Give acces to OneDrive with powerapps aplication.

I really need a solution,my boss asks it and I want help..

Re: My Account Connectors Used by Others?

Hi,   I just want to find out how did you make the flow to write your account details instead of everyone. I want to use something that can allow different users to write on a flow but using o...

Re: Unable to connect to shopify api

Hi @Jameswh91  If you don't overcome the issue, you can consider a third-party add-on as an alternative: It is paid but offers a fre...

Re: Developer Plan Scripting

After further investigation of the API, PowerShell and PP CLI, I realize that these existing APIs or tools dont support Developer env.. However, if the Developer Plan environments are being created t...

Re: Spliting one table into two table to use calculation formula for each table.

Hello - Is it imperative to have the tables split/duplicated or are you simply trying to obtain the appropriate QTY for your calculation?  If the latter, please consider this alternative approac...

Re: Searching multiple Dataverse tables that have the same columns

@RobChilds, ClearCollect can't be delegated to Dataverse, you will get only the first 500(max of 2000) records. If your search result will not be more than the delegation limit, you can use the Cle...

Re: Book a room Filter based on combo selection

Hi Community,   I tested the next workaround but unfortunately not get me the all Rooms we have, I create a Gallery with the next code and added the TextInput to use as a search but the Galler...

Re: Isblank if nothing selected on a visual

Hello - You were really close.  The measure below works for me.  Basically, you should create a separate measure for LastYearPriceIndex with the basic logic of calculating the amount for th...

"This app uses features that come with a Power Apps premium plan. Start a trial to use these features." E5 license not enough? Can I remove the Dataverse connection?

Hi All users in our tenant have an E5 licence. I have a power app that was working fine but then I added a connection to a flow which analyses sentiment on text. This uses AI Builder. (not premium...

Re: PowerApp SharePoint Upload Button - Help with formula

Hi @SebS, thanks for replying! Apologies, that was a result of my clumsy attempt to fix it! Here is a neater version of the formula which is working -    ForAll( DataCardVal...

Re: columns not flowing to modeling

It could be a few different reasons.  They may have been selected and you may have accidentally hit the delete key on the keyboard... based on where you are accessing Power BI (desktop, online, ...

Re: Cannot filter collection

The oddest thing is that it is working again as expected.  On day 1 it worked, on day 2 it didn't and now that we are on day 3 it works again.  Is there some kind of app cache that needs ...

PowerApp SharePoint Upload Button - Help with formula

Hi guys,   I'm pretty new to Power Apps (an enthusiastic amateur!) and I'm having a bit of trouble getting a Flow to communicate with my App. More specifically I'm having trouble writing the f...

Form Required Fields - Error Handling

Looking for advice on best practice... I have a form with about 50 required fields and some of those are conditional upon other fields.  Which is best: Not allowing the submit button to be ...

Re: Global Variables not allowed in StartScreen

Hi @NicolleAbrahams! Try the following in the App.StartScreen property: If(     CountIf('Document Control Audit List', Lower('Created By'.Email) = Lower(User().Email)) > 0, 'User Scr...

Re: OnSubmit Update TextInput and Send Email

Yep, @Dave-ITMan , I made a mistake here:   btnAccept.OnSubmit just needs: SubmitForm(EditForm_1)   That's wrong, btnAccept.OnSubmit should set locRejected to false: Up...